Perspective of Mona-pg.191-192. The Annotated Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita's father really was frightfully overbearing when it came to Dolly. She really was not kidding when she told me her daddems was a total fun-sucker. I thought it was cool that I was hanging out with her dad before she came home, thought I could maybe get into some swell conversation with books and all that. He isn't bad looking either, he wears these jackets that make him look like he should be in a movie, and he has a look that Ive never seen on a dad. This may sound funny but I got kinda jealous of the way he carried on about his "Lo." He loves her a lot, and I mean a lot! Lo is always carrying on about how much of a "positively aggravating creep" her daddems is, but I think his concern was kinda sweet. Any-who, If I do say so myself I am remarkable mature for my age, or at least thats what all the older boys that like me say. But he didn't seem to wanna chat one bit, all he could do was ask funny questions about her life at school. He practically consulted me like I was a grown up, asking all about what I thought of "Lo" and tons of questions about what she did at the ball. In my natural charming way I tried to engage the guy in some good old book talk and he wasn't about to stray from his topic of choice. Dolly had told me that when it came to her dad he liked to talk to youths, especially smart girls like me, so I gave it a shot and he just looked at me suspiciously! The even weirder thing that happened was, after Mr. too-good-for-me Humbert shot down my desire for a stimulating conversation, Dolly came in through the door and just about glared at us! she practically told me that me and Hum would have some things in common, but when we came in she looked just as suspicious as her dad. What a strange place that house was.
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